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Wear Resistant
The WR® (Wear Resistant) line offers excellent wear and friction properties, along with superior non-galling and non-seizing performance.
The WR® material portfolio enables extended MTBR and improved reliability. Offering extended dry-run performance and exceptional chemical resistance, our WR® materials reduce running clearances by more than 50% in many cases. These reduced clearances minimize recirculation, which maximizes rotor stability (reducing vibration) and overall efficiency.
WR® materials operate in cryogenic temperatures up to 274°C (525°F). WR® materials are typically PEEK with carbon fibers, although our newest offering in the WR® line, WR® 650, is made of PFA with carbon fibers and provides the best overall performance in the portfolio.
Material range
- WR® 300
- WR® 525
- WR® 600
- WR® 650
Pump bushings and case or impeller wear rings, stationary wear rings for static applications, pump applications in refineries, chemical plants, power plants, and water treatment plants, all centrifugal pumps (overhung, vertical in-line, single-stage between bearings, multi-stage horizontal, vertical, etc.).

KLINGER is the authorised Australian distributor of Greene Tweed products.

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Below you can find more product-related Information on WR® Composites, free to access and download.